Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Hypocrisy of Susan Rice


What we don't need is someone who has been as complicit in lying to the American people as Susan Rice has lecturing anyone on the need to tell the truth. Susan's hypocrisy was on full display in her recent op-ed in The Washington Post. Susan, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Excerpts from her op-ed are in red.

Last week, the British intelligence agency GCHQ took the rare step of debunking as “utterly ridiculous” the Trump administration’s insinuation that Britain spied on Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign. On Monday, FBI Director James B. Comey testified plainly that “I have no information that supports” President Trump’s accusations that his predecessor ordered the “wires tapped” at Trump Tower. These false statements from the White House are part of a disturbing pattern of behavior that poses real and potentially profound dangers to U.S. national security.
The foundation of the United States’ unrivaled global leadership rests only in part on our military might, the strength of our economy and the power of our ideals. It is also grounded in the perception that the United States is steady, rational and fact-based. To lead effectively, the United States must maintain respect and trust. So, when a White House deliberately dissembles and serially contorts the facts, its actions pose a serious risk to America’s global leadership, among friends and adversaries alike.

Really Susan? Did you really go there? You who lied to not just American citizens about Benghazi being about a YouTube Video, but also lied to our allies? You who worked for the first Administration who leaked that our strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel, does in fact have nuclear weapons. You who worked for the Administration who was caught spying on the leaders of our allies?

You who worked for the Administration who admitted in an interview with The New York Times they manipulated the press and lied to our allies especially Israel, to get their "deal" with Iran? You who worked for the Administration that issued the "red line warning" to Syria then did nothing when they crossed it. You don't think that damaged our standing in the world?

Who can forget Time Magazine's Lie of the Year? Don't you remember your boss, President Obama winning it for, "If you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr., if you like your Insurance you can keep your Insurance." Who can forget Jonathan Gruber admitting the intentional lies and misinformation used to pass Obamacare?

You worked for an Administration who has been caught lying to the American people and our allies more than any Administration in my memory. You participated in many of those lies. How do you think our Allies in Europe felt when they heard your boss caught on a "hot mike" saying "tell Valdimer  I will have more flexibility after my election." Do you really think that didn't damage our credibility with our allies?

Susan for the reasons listed above, among others, you have earned our Hypocrite of the Week award. 

If you want to read the entire op-ed you can read it here:  

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