Even ultra liberal Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz has admitted at least parts of the Executive Order are Lawful.
"Sally Yates is a terrific public servant, but I think she's made a serious mistake here," Dershowitz said on CNN.
"There is also a distinction between what's constitutional, what's statutorily prohibited, what's bad policy — this is very bad policy — but what's lawful," he said. "I think by lumping them all together she has made a political decision rather than a legal one," he concluded, noting that he believed parts to be constitutional while other parts may not hold up under scrutiny.I have watched several liberal Attorneys interviewed who also admitted the President has the legal authority for the Executive Order, even though they hate it. Why the 41 lawsuits if this is the case?
It is simply liberals who cannot come to the realization they are no longer in power. Their method for at least the next 4 years will be to waste tax payer funds defending lawsuits and filing them in activist Judges jurisdictions.
Make no mistake, these will be the first of many to follow. We can count on lawsuits due to EPA regulations being rolled back. Lawsuits on pipelines, oil exploration permits, anything the environmentalists don't like, whether they have legal standing or not.
We can also count on lawsuits from Sanctuary Cities, Teachers Unions, etc. Liberals are going to fight this President and his Administration on anything they attempt. It won't matter whether it is something our country needs or not.
The tremendous increase in donations to the ACLU after the immigration order was implemented is proof. After seeing the increase in donations because of filing the lawsuit we can be assured they will continue to file suit over anything and everything.
Another example is so many Tech Companies filing suit on the Immigration Order. Remember President Trump had them at the Whitehouse for a meeting about Internet Security and how he can help them grow their business and grow jobs in this country. They paid him back by banding together and filing suit over the Immigration Order. They were smart. They were able to get so many Tech Companies involved in the lawsuit, if you want to use a computer, get on the internet, buy a smart phone etc. you can't boycott them to change their behavior.
It is a shame, but it appears this rash of lawsuits will be the new normal.
We knew this was coming, however not to this extent. We must pray that the Lord thy God will be done. We should pray that His will is to heal our country, now that He has given us a leader that know and fears His wrath amen