Saturday, February 4, 2017

Hypocrite of the Week, and the Winner is...


This week was a very difficult decision. So many earned the award this week. Nancy Pelosi could have easily earned it for the second week in a row. CAIR could have won it for their bogus lawsuit. The ACLU also deserved it. After all they didn't file suit against President Obama for his 2011 6 month ban on refugees from Iraq.

Someone most of us have never heard of,  Obama’s DHS IG, John Roth, absolutely could and possibly should have earned it. He is the Inspector General who allowed some of President Obama's illegal Executive Orders on Immigration stand without an investigation even after the Courts had put them on hold and DOJ Attorneys' were caught lying to the Court, and sanctioned by the Judge. Still, no investigation.

In his press release about the investigation of the DHS and President Trump's Executive order, IG Roth wrote,  “In addition to reviewing the implementation of the Executive Order, the OIG will review DHS’ adherence to court orders and allegations of individual misconduct on the part of DHS personnel,” the announcement states. “If circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review.” The probe was initiated in response to “congressional request and whistleblower and hotline complaints,” according to the announcement. 

So many choices. I had to give the award to Senator Chuck Schumer for his performance, complete with tears, in his press conference. Perhaps Senator Schumer should also be nominated for an Academy Award for that performance. Funny how with a different President in charge Senator Schumer's belief system changes.

The Hill reported on Nov. 17, 2015, in an article headlined “Schumer: Refugee pause may be necessary”:

Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), the third ranking member of the Senate Democratic leadership, on Tuesday said it may be necessary to halt the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States.
Republicans immediately seized on Schumer’s comment, which breaks with other Democrats who have argued against halting the program.
Schumer, however, declined to take the option off the table ahead of a special briefing scheduled for Wednesday afternoon on the process that is now used to vet refugees entering the United States. “We’re waiting for the briefing tomorrow, a pause may be necessary. We’re going to look at it,” he said.
Doesn't sound like he thought it was "mean spirited" then. Where were the tears then Senator. Where were they in 2011?

Of course it wasn't only Senator Schumer. Where was Nancy Pelosi singing "This Land is Your Land" when President Obama suspended Refugees from Iraq in 2011? Or Secretary of State Clinton?

Of course then Senator Clinton, after 911 recommended even more:

Hillary Clinton: “We have to do whatever it takes to keep our people safe.”

Sam Donaldson: “Including profiling, senator?”

Hillary Clinton: “I think we have to do whatever it takes, Sam. And I believe that, you know, Tuesday changed everything. Tuesday was a day that America has never, ever had to experience. And I hope to heaven that we never have to again. But we are in a war situation, and we’re going to have to do things people do in times of war.”

Read more:

Below are a couple of screenshots from Senator Schumer's Twitter Feed that show his hypocrisy. He will fight President Trump's lawful Executive Order but would not fight President Obama's unlawful Executive Orders. Then he wants to lecture us on agreeing on a "baseline of facts." Which ones Senator Schumer? The true facts or your alternative "facts?"


The hypocrisy is never ending. Senator Schumer I guess you can be proud of winning this award this week. You had a lot of competition!

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