Saturday, February 18, 2017

4th Hypocrite of the Week Award Goes to...


Once again a very difficult choice. The runners up included Nancy Pelosi, it would have been her second win, and the Mainstream Media. Elizabeth Warren won the race to the bottom for her treatment of Betsy DeVos. Mrs. DeVos, President Trump's pick to lead the Department of Education is a proponent of School Vouchers so parents can choose which schools they want their children to attend. In this way children wouldn't have to be trapped in a substandard school.

Senator Warren led the charge against Mrs. DeVos. She was brutal. Disagreeing with DeVos doesn't in of itself make someone a hypocrite. I have friends who opposed her. What makes Senator Warren a hypocrite is condemning DeVos for the same belief that Warren has supported.

In her 2003 book, “The Two-Income Trap” (co-authored with her daughter, Amelia Warren Tyagi), Warren endorsed a school-voucher system to free children from the tyranny of educrats assigning them to schools based on where their parents can afford to live.
Warren wrote: “With fully funded vouchers, parents of all income levels could send their children — and the accompanying financial support — to the schools of their choice.”
Moreover, she argued that framing the issue as a “public versus private competition” misses the key issue: “The problem is not vouchers; the problem is parental choice.”
Warren pointed out that most public-school placement is based on ZIP code. The only way parents can exercise any choice is to buy a home in the school district they want — but poor families lack that option.
The solution, she asserted, is to break up the “ironclad relationship” between ZIP code and school with a well-designed voucher system.
Yet ahead of the confirmation hearings, Warren charged that DeVos’ support for vouchers and privately run schools was disqualifying.

There are many reasons Senator Warren could have won the Hypocrite of The Week Award. I'm certain this won't be the last time she wins it. It was simply to easy to prove. All one had to do was read her book.

Senator Warren, if you are brutal to someone in a public hearing for supporting the same thing you advocate in your own book, you might be a hypocrite. Congratulations on your win.

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