Saturday, February 25, 2017

Does The MSM Participate in Fake News and is it a Problem?


Sometimes,  like many of you I'm sure, I get tired of hearing about fake news. It does get old, however I believe it is a true issue. I believe it is a legitimate problem. I could, and may at some point in the future, write a long article about my reason for believing this.

Fortunately at this point, I only have to share an article written by a left leaning publication, The New York Times, that proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser for strategic communications under President Obama proved it in an interview with The New York Times. Jonathan Gruber proved it over and over about the Affordable Care Act.

In the New York Times interview, Rhodes shows exactly how he manipulated the MSM, and how they colluded with each other on the Iranian Nuclear Deal. Take the time to read the interview and article yourself. Make up your own mind.

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