Saturday, March 18, 2017

Why is Donald Trump the Most Hated Man in America?


I didn't vote for President Trump in my State primary, I voted for Ted Cruz. I did vote for President Trump in the general election and so far I am proud of that vote.

Does that mean I approve of everything he has said or done? Every Tweet? Of course not. I doubt there is a man or a woman who could make me or any of you happy 100% of the time.

So why the hate? He isn't a Conservative Ideologue. He isn't a Liberal Ideologue. He is for some things Liberals have long been for. He is for some things Conservatives have long been for. So I keep asking myself why is he so hated by so many? Not just liberals.

Like many of you I took a few Psychology classes in college, but I am certainly no Psychologist. Still this question has intrigued me every since the election.  The economy is better. Jobs are coming back. Consumer confidence is up. The stock market is sitting record highs almost daily. He is a politician who is actually trying to keep his campaign promises. Why the hate?

I have a theory. I think it is fear.

I think the mostly liberal mainstream media fears him. Thanks to internet technology, cable news, talk radio, and other forms of alternative media they were already seeing their markets shrink. President Trump proved not only could he be elected without them, but in spite of them. No one likes giving up their monopoly on power. The liberal elite mainstream media won't do it without a fight. They fear with President Trump being willing and able to go around them it will speed up their demise.

For many years middle class America has been asleep. We have allowed a small but loud portion of those on the far left to have their way too long. They have nearly destroyed our great country. While we were busy working and supporting our families, they were organizing. Spending our hard earned money we sent to Washington in our taxes on more and more entitlement programs. On more progressive pet projects. All while weakening our National Security and our collective morals. We are awake now. We are energized, and we will take back our country.

Politicians on both sides of the aisle fear him. Career politicians realize if he is successful their gravy train is over. Either they change or they will be voted out of office. Conservative or Liberal. Crooked politicians really fear him. They know he will expose them. They know Jeff Sessions will prosecute him. Some will do it openly, others behind the scenes, but they will do all they can to keep him from being a successful President.

Government bureaucrats probably fear him the most, therefore the most dangerous. They see their very livelihood in jeopardy. The big salaries, the over the top perks. The lifetime jobs, great retirement all of it at risk. Just look at the VA for example mid and upper level management getting huge bonuses for manipulating their stats then getting caught and not even being able to fire them! 

Do you really think these people are going to give up what they have without a fight? They will do anything, say anything, leak anything. Whatever it takes.

We have allowed a culture to grow and fester who believe they have a right to free healthcare. Free College. That believe anyone in the world has a right to come to the U.S.A. and stay as long as they want. They believe anyone who disagrees with them is lacking in intelligence, a racist a bigot etc. They fear they may actually have to go to work and pay back massive student debt. As we have seen at Berkley and so many other places the will keep fighting also.

These are the reasons I wrote the following book:

This book was started long before I knew Donald Trump was even going to run for President.

What we middle class Americans need to do is pray for the safety of Donald J. Trump and his family. As I said over and over, too many people have a vested interest in seeing him fail. Many of them powerful people.

We can't leave it all up to President Trump, we must do our part also.

God Bless and Protect President Donald J. Trump and The United States of America.

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