Saturday, March 4, 2017

It Is Time to Turn The DOJ Loose

The morning after the election I wrote President Trump shouldn't continue the investigation of Hillary, Bill, the Clinton Foundation etc. That he should let the country heal from a brutal, divisive campaign. I was wrong.

I had already planned this article before the news broke this morning of the previous Administration tapping then Candidate Trump's phones and internet. That news makes it more imperative President Trump, and Attorney General Sessions turn loyal DOJ lawyers and investigators loose.

They should investigate Hillary and Bill's ties to Russia. Tom Perez's decision to drop charges against the New Black Panthers. The IRS targeting of Conservative Organizations. The back room deals on Iran. Was it illegal to pay Iran the money in cash? It appears it was. Even Obama's own Justice Department had a problem with it.

They should investigate the ethics charges against Harry Reid that were brought because of he and his son's business dealings. U.S. Sen. Diane Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum, won the first phase construction contract for California’s high-speed rail system. Is there corruption there?

Eric Holder should be investigated for perjury to Congress among other things.

President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarret, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, etc. have declared war on President Trump. As such they have declared war on America.

It is time for President Trump and his Cabinet to dismiss any Obama holdovers and start fighting fire with fire. If it means prison time for any of the above mentioned people. If they are legitimately investigated, tried and convicted so be it. Investigate and let the chips fall where they may.

This is war. It's war on the Trump Administration. America and her citizens. It is time to fight to win,

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