Friday, March 3, 2017

A Very Positive Sign From Senator Ted Cruz


One of the very positive things I saw come out of President Trump's speech to the Joint Houses of Congress was an interview with Senator Ted Cruz.

As I listened to all of the huge items on President Trump's list. I thought sounds great. I also thought he had about as much chance of getting it all passed as Miami, Florida has of seeing a 24" snowfall in July.

The day after his speech to the Joint Session of Congress, I watched an interview with Senator Cruz that left me hopeful. He didn't say no to President Trump's agenda. He was even asked about what it could do to the budget. His response, surprisingly was of course we will have debate over that, but we know we can't cut our way out of debt. We know we have to grow our economy to get out of debt.

I supported Ted Cruz in the Republican Primary. In large part because he is a fiscal conservative. That being said, I did find it very refreshing to hear him say we can't just cut our way out of debt, we have to do things to grow the economy. Perhaps there is hope after all.

1 comment:

  1. In order to MAGA there are two things that must B done. 1) grow economy put people back to work 2) Thanks 2 commies we as a nation have nothing to sell except our natural resources which is energy: coal gas & oil, richest crude oil in the world & dominate the oil market - that in itself can pay off the $20T in debt in record breaking time & pay off Saudis & Chinese making the American dollar the world's best currency & finally shutting off our reliance on Saudi Arabia.
