Sunday, March 19, 2017

Here we go Again, The Hypocrite of the Week Goes Too


Donna Brazile, congratulations you are this weeks winner! Not because you semi-confessed and semi-apologized, but because of your attempt at using Christianity.

Let me jog your memory. Do you remember this interview?

“I did not receive any questions from CNN, let’s just be very clear,” a shaky Brazile told Kelly.

“Where did you get it?” the host shot back.

“First of all what information are you providing to me that will let me see what you are talking about?” said Brazile.
She grew more defensive.

“As a Christian woman I understand persecution, but I will not sit here and be persecuted because your information is totally false,” the operative said.

“Podesta’s emails were stolen. You’re like the thief that what’s to bring into the night what you found in the gutter,” she continued.
Donna the highlighted portion of your interview with Mrs. Kelly is the main reason you were rewarded as this weeks winner. How could you compare what happened to you with true Christian persecution?

You were caught cheating to help Hillary Clinton. When caught and questioned about it you lied. Then you compared what was happening to you to Christian persecution? You need to educate yourself on what Christian persecution really is Donna.

You can read real, true life stories of modern Christian persecution in my book Modern Day Christian Martyrs. If you can't afford it I will be happy to send you a copy. I can't help but wonder how the people in my book would feel about your comments.

Donna, I am going to pray you never have to experience true Christian persecution. Please don't cheapen what Christians who are truly being persecuted experience by comparing it to what basically you did to yourself.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Why is Donald Trump the Most Hated Man in America?


I didn't vote for President Trump in my State primary, I voted for Ted Cruz. I did vote for President Trump in the general election and so far I am proud of that vote.

Does that mean I approve of everything he has said or done? Every Tweet? Of course not. I doubt there is a man or a woman who could make me or any of you happy 100% of the time.

So why the hate? He isn't a Conservative Ideologue. He isn't a Liberal Ideologue. He is for some things Liberals have long been for. He is for some things Conservatives have long been for. So I keep asking myself why is he so hated by so many? Not just liberals.

Like many of you I took a few Psychology classes in college, but I am certainly no Psychologist. Still this question has intrigued me every since the election.  The economy is better. Jobs are coming back. Consumer confidence is up. The stock market is sitting record highs almost daily. He is a politician who is actually trying to keep his campaign promises. Why the hate?

I have a theory. I think it is fear.

I think the mostly liberal mainstream media fears him. Thanks to internet technology, cable news, talk radio, and other forms of alternative media they were already seeing their markets shrink. President Trump proved not only could he be elected without them, but in spite of them. No one likes giving up their monopoly on power. The liberal elite mainstream media won't do it without a fight. They fear with President Trump being willing and able to go around them it will speed up their demise.

For many years middle class America has been asleep. We have allowed a small but loud portion of those on the far left to have their way too long. They have nearly destroyed our great country. While we were busy working and supporting our families, they were organizing. Spending our hard earned money we sent to Washington in our taxes on more and more entitlement programs. On more progressive pet projects. All while weakening our National Security and our collective morals. We are awake now. We are energized, and we will take back our country.

Politicians on both sides of the aisle fear him. Career politicians realize if he is successful their gravy train is over. Either they change or they will be voted out of office. Conservative or Liberal. Crooked politicians really fear him. They know he will expose them. They know Jeff Sessions will prosecute him. Some will do it openly, others behind the scenes, but they will do all they can to keep him from being a successful President.

Government bureaucrats probably fear him the most, therefore the most dangerous. They see their very livelihood in jeopardy. The big salaries, the over the top perks. The lifetime jobs, great retirement all of it at risk. Just look at the VA for example mid and upper level management getting huge bonuses for manipulating their stats then getting caught and not even being able to fire them! 

Do you really think these people are going to give up what they have without a fight? They will do anything, say anything, leak anything. Whatever it takes.

We have allowed a culture to grow and fester who believe they have a right to free healthcare. Free College. That believe anyone in the world has a right to come to the U.S.A. and stay as long as they want. They believe anyone who disagrees with them is lacking in intelligence, a racist a bigot etc. They fear they may actually have to go to work and pay back massive student debt. As we have seen at Berkley and so many other places the will keep fighting also.

These are the reasons I wrote the following book:

This book was started long before I knew Donald Trump was even going to run for President.

What we middle class Americans need to do is pray for the safety of Donald J. Trump and his family. As I said over and over, too many people have a vested interest in seeing him fail. Many of them powerful people.

We can't leave it all up to President Trump, we must do our part also.

God Bless and Protect President Donald J. Trump and The United States of America.

Friday, March 17, 2017

It All Makes Sense Now, Obama Iran, and ISIS


February 3, 2015, ISIS burned Jordanian Military Pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh to death. The video ISIS released showed him standing chained in a steel cage as the flames engulfed him. It was a video that shocked the world. Jordan's King Abdullah was actually in the United States at the time and cut his visit short to return to Jordan.

It wasn't long however before the King was back in the United States asking for ammunition, surveillance drones, as well as bombs and missiles for Jordan's planes. Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia were preparing to send in their military to take ISIS out. Permanently.  

They were turned down by the Obama Administration. Think about this. You had Sunni Muslim countries willing and able to go into Iraq and Syria and take out the predominantly Sunni Muslim ISIS. The Saudi's and other Gulf States were prepared to fund the military operation.  

I and other conservative commentators at the time questioned the decision by the Obama Administration to not only refuse to support their efforts, but also pressure them to stay out of it. It simply didn't make sense. Think of how many lives would have been saved had they been allowed to take ISIS out at that time. How many terror attacks across the world that may have been prevented.

I vividly remember writing an article questioning the decision by Obama and trying to come up with a legitimate reason why? I am pretty sure I know the reason now. Obama's failed Iranian Nuclear Deal. It is the only thing that makes sense. Especially when you see the lengths Ben Rhodes admitted in The New York Times he went too in order to manipulate and deceive the Press and the American People to get this "deal" done.

Had the Obama Administration allowed and supported the Sunni Muslim countries military to go in and take out ISIS there is no way Obama could get his horrible deal. The Iranian Mullahs would have been furious. Of course that is nothing new. They are always furious about something.

I hate to admit it but I didn't think of this while it was going on in early 2015. I wondered why the MSM was not asking the Obama Administration why they wouldn't support Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia in their willingness to destroy ISIS, but I must confess the Iranian "deal" never crossed my mind. Even when I read Ben Rhodes bragging in The New York Times it never crossed my mind. I even speculated it may be Valerie Jarrett's influence.

It wasn't until Prince Faisal Bin Farhan Al Saud, an advisor to Deputy Crown Prince Salman al Saud of Saudi Arabia, appeared with Bret Baier for an interview to discuss the Deputy Crown Prince Salman’s meeting with President Trump.

Farhan said that the Crown Prince was “keen to come and meet President Trump as early as possible” to “reinvigorate their strategic, longstanding partnership” of fifty years.
Baier asked him about paying their fair share of the cost of defeating ISIS and setting up safe zones in Syria as Trump has mentioned.

The next thing Farhan said is quite disturbing. They’re “more than ready to cooperate with the United States on countering ISIS in Syria and Iraq, across the region, not just financially but the Saudi government offered during the Obama administration’s time to send its troops into Syria to fight ISIS, that was not met with enthusiasm by the Obama administration.”

It was then it all clicked. It was more important to President Obama to make this terrible deal with Iran than to once and for all destroy the savages of ISIS. It was more important for his legacy. He would have got very little credit for Muslim countries destroying ISIS, but all the credit for the Iranian "deal." Or in my opinion, all the blame for the deal.

I encourage everyone, Conservative or Liberal to watch and listen carefully to the entire interview.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The CIA Leak


Here we go again. National Security has been damaged tremendously. So has trust in our Government. This is bad on so many different levels.

Let's face it, many of us on both sides of the political spectrum have been concerned about this for years. We knew much of it was happening, we suspected more. Now we see in some ways it is even worse than we feared.  We hear from National Security Experts not to fear, the Government doesn't use these tools to spy on American Citizens. Really?

Dennis Kucinich

"President Trump’s assertion that his phones at Trump Tower were tapped last year has been treated as hilarious—and in some circles as beyond contempt. But I can vouch for the fact that extracurricular surveillance does occur, regardless of whether it is officially approved. I was wiretapped in 2011 after taking a phone call in my congressional office from a foreign leader.
That a secret recording had been made of this call was revealed to me by the Washington Times in 2015, a full two years after I left office.
The newspaper’s investigative reporters called me, saying they had obtained a tape of a sensitive telephone conversation that they wanted me to verify.
When I met them at a Chinese restaurant in Washington, they played back audio of a call I had taken in my D.C. congressional office four years earlier.
The call had been from Saif el-Islam Qaddafi, a high-ranking official in Libya’s government and a son of the country’s ruler, Moammar Qaddafi.
At the time I was leading efforts in the House to challenge the Obama administration’s war against Libya. The Qaddafi government reached out to me because its appeals to the White House and the State Department to forestall the escalating aggression had gone unanswered.

Remember when Conservatives thought Supreme Court Chief John Roberts had been blackmailed? The rumors swirled after his controversial ruling on the Affordable Care Act. It was rumored his emails had been hacked and his phone calls tapped to get damaging information on him. I don't usually buy into such conspiracy theories, however it certainly seems more possible now.

Remember Senator Diane Feinstein complaining of the CIA getting into Senate Computers and tapping phone lines? Whether you like General Flynn or not, how else could a transcript of his phone call been recorded and released to the Press?

We have a major problem.

On the domestic front, this also points out the problem with the claims Russia interfered with the Election. Did they? Who knows now that we know US Intelligence can hack into a system and leave Russian "fingerprints?"

I do think National Security Experts are right. Our Intelligence Services need these tools. They don't need their capabilities and methods released by WikiLeaks. The question is can we trust them with these tools?

Do you think they would be afraid to read your emails? Check your internet searches? Listen in to your phone conversations? Read your Text Messages? Check your GPS?

If the IRS will and did use their power to go after political opponents; If the CIA will target US Senators; If someone in one of the Intelligence Agencies will record and release General Flynn's phone calls; If they will tap, record, and leak a member of the US House, do you really think they would be above doing the same to you or I?

How do we police them?

"We Have to Pass the Bill to See What is in the Bill" The Hypocrite of the Week is...


Nancy, Nancy, Nancy, not only were you our first Hypocrite of the Week, you are now the first to win the award twice. You really make it difficult doing a Hypocrite of the Week and keeping it interesting. You seem to have the ability to qualify every week. This week however you left me no choice.

Nancy do you remember this?

"You've heard about the controversies within the bill, the process about the bill, one or the other. But I don't know if you have heard that it is legislation for the future, not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America, where preventive care is not something that you have to pay a deductible for or out of pocket. Prevention, prevention, prevention—it's about diet, not diabetes. It's going to be very, very exciting. But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."
March 9,  2010

Just in case you forgot:

What has changed Nancy? That well documented quote is what you said about the Affordable Care Act 7 years ago. This is what you said 7 years almost to the day later about the American Care Act:

“The American people and Members have a right to know the full impact of this legislation before any vote in Committee or by the whole House,” she wrote. “These are critical questions and I hope that Republicans will honor their responsibility to the American people both before the Committees vote and before the final bill goes to the House floor.”

Nancy Pelosi
March 7, 2017

I had no choice Nancy. With statements like that I had to award you the distinction of being our first ever two-time winner. Congratulations.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Elvis and Other Recent Islamic Atrocities


A New York man was being held without bail on terrorism charges after federal authorities said he was prepared to strap on a bomb and sacrifice himself for jihad and persistently tried to join the Islamic State or another extremist group in Syria.
Elvis Redzepagic, 26, was charged with attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization. Police on suburban Long Island arrested Redzepagic on Feb. 2 on a minor, unrelated charge, and he told them: "I'm going to leave this country, and I'm going to come back with an Army — Islam is coming," according to a federal court complaint.

Redzepagic "was persistent in his efforts" to join Islamic militants in civil-war-ravaged Syria, making it to Turkey in 2015 and Jordan last year and even getting to the Syrian border, said William F. Sweeney, assistant director in charge of the FBI's New York field office.

Redzepagic, who lives in Commack, told authorities after his arrest that he'd become a devout Muslim while in Montenegro, in the Balkans, and believed a cousin was a battalion commander in Syria for the Islamic State or the group once known as the Nusra Front, according to the court complaint. The latter group — now called the Fatah al-Sham Front, and also known at times as Jabhat al-Nusra — is an al-Qaida affiliate.

TEL AVIV – Islamic State militants and supporters claim to be energized in their fight against the Iraqi army in the IS stronghold of Mosul, according to messages contained in the organization’s internal communications obtained by Breitbart Jerusalem.
In correspondence posted in a closed chat group that utilizes the encrypted Telegram messaging service, the boastful exchanges displayed high morale among the jihadists and no signs of surrender, which may be unsurprising among IS fighters. Some of the messages referred to the stepped-up use of drones in the Mosul battle. The chat group serves as an internal Twitter of sorts for IS jihadists and sympathizers, and has been used in the past to issue IS communications.
“Salam Aleikum brothers, thank Allah for our brothers the mujahedeen who implemented our new tactic – a war of attrition that would deliver death blows to the Iraqi and American forces, and foiled many strikes and launched many attacks,” the user Abu Ali Almusuly wrote. “They have the upper hand.”

Militants disguised as doctors have killed more than 30 people in an attack on a military hospital near the US embassy in Kabul with bombs, grenades and guns.
Isis claimed responsibility for the assault on the Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan hospital as battles between jihadis and security forces continued on Wednesday, leaving at least 50 wounded.
The terrorist group, which is competing with the Taliban in Afghanistan, claimed its “commandos” had killed more than 100 people at the 400-bed facility for wounded soldiers.


According to Morningstar News, an organization that reports on the persecution of Christians worldwide, four al-Shabaab terrorists broke into the home of Suleiman Abdiwahab, which lies in a town about 20 miles west of Mogadishu, in the middle of the night on Feb. 10.
The 38-year-old Abdiwahab and his family, who are living secretly as Christian converts from Islam, were sleeping when the perpetrators broke down their front door, entered their home and shot him, his 35-year-old wife, Faduma Osman, and his 11-year-old son, Ahmed Suleiman.

Although Abdiwahab was able to survive his serious gunshot injuries, his wife and his son were not as fortunate and died from the bullet wounds. Fortunately, Abdiwahab's two daughters and 9-year-old son were able to run out the backdoor and find shelter in another town.

Two asylum seekers have been accused of raping a man at the hostel where they live.
Aram Sulaimani, 29, and Harem Hussan, 20, were arrested after the alleged late night assault at Kennedy House in Leicester.
Appearing in court on February 21, they each faced two charges under the 2003 Sexual Offences Act.

The following is a link to The Huffington Post everyone should read:

These are only a very few examples of what we are facing. All from legitimate sources.

Do You Like or Dislike the Republican Healthcare Plan?


Do you like the Republican Plan? Do you dislike it? Why? Do you really know? How do you know?

American citizens have an opportunity this time we didn't have with Obamacare. Not only an opportunity but a responsibility. Healthcare affects every American. Every family. It is one-sixth of our economy.

Something that important, shouldn't you read the 123 page plan? If you don't bother to read it you shouldn't complain about it if it passes. You shouldn't depend on what I tell you about it. You shouldn't depend on any media outlet or any politician.

Every persons situation is different. Obamacare helped some people. It has driven me to the brink of bankruptcy. Any opinion I give about the Republican plan is based on whether it is good or bad for my family, not yours. 

Please read the plan for yourself then let your Senators and House Members know your concerns. This is that important.

I have read it once. It is written in legal speak which is boring. I am going to read it at least once more, because I am sure I missed some things in it. I am including a link to the plan. Please read it and educate yourself about the plan.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Was The Obama Administration Spying on Trump?


I don't have any proof to support or deny the claim. I think to begin to answer that we should look at the history of the Obama Administration. We have to remember we are talking about an Administration who used the IRS to target Conservative groups. Spied on people in the media, and members of Congress. For even the most loyal Obama supporters to deny this could happen amazes me. A little history:

WASHINGTON — In an extraordinary public accusation, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee declared on Tuesday that the CIA interfered with and then tried to intimidate a congressional investigation into the agency’s possible use of torture in terror probes during the Bush administration.
The CIA clandestinely removed documents and searched a computer network set up for lawmakers, said Sen. Dianne Feinstein in a long and biting speech on the Senate floor. In an escalating dispute with an agency she has long supported, she said the CIA may well have violated criminal laws and the U.S. Constitution.

A Fox News correspondent was accused in a Justice Department affidavit of being a possible criminal "co-conspirator" for his alleged role in publishing sensitive security information -- in a leak case that takes the highly unusual step of claiming a journalist broke the law.  
According to court documents, the Justice Department obtained a portfolio of information about Fox News' James Rosen's conversations and visits to the State Department. This included a search warrant for his personal emails.
The effort follows that by the department to secretly obtain two months of phone records from Associated Press journalists as part of a separate leak probe. The department in this case, though, went a step further -- as an FBI agent claimed there's evidence the Fox News correspondent broke the law, "at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator."
Michael Clemente, Fox News' executive vice president of news, defended Rosen in a statement issued Monday afternoon.
"We are outraged to learn today that James Rosen was named a criminal co-conspirator for simply doing his job as a reporter," Clemente said. "In fact, it is downright chilling. We will unequivocally defend his right to operate as a member of what up until now has always been a free press."

May 14, 2013 — The Society of Environmental Journalists strongly condemns the Department of Justice’s overly broad investigation of the Associated Press’ newsgathering operations as an infringement of First Amendment press freedoms.
By secretly seizing telephone records for more than 20 phone lines used by AP journalists and offices, including cell and home phone lines, DOJ has unjustifiably targeted facilities and phones used by more than 100 journalists, and obtained the names of sources and confidential information about the newsgathering operations.
The Obama administration has been aggressive in seeking to stop leaks and control the flow of information. Its investigation into a leak that led to stories about a failed terrorist plot to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day 2011 was known from public testimony by administration officials. But the government’s collection of information from AP phone lines in New York, Washington, Hartford, Conn., and the AP’s main House of Representatives Press Gallery number far exceeded the scope of any justifiable investigation.
 The Associated Press says it regards the Justice Department’s secret investigation as a serious interference with its constitutional rights to gather and report the news, and SEJ agrees.  As requested by the AP, DOJ should fully explain its actions, return all records of conversations and calls to the AP and destroy all copies of those call records.
Beth Parke
Executive Director
Society of Environmental Journalists
Joseph A. Davis
Director, FOI WatchDog Project
Society of Environmental Journalists
See also:

So we have an Administration who has demonstrated a willingness to spy on sitting members of Congress, and members of the press. Do you think they would be reluctant to spy on Donald Trump?

Then look at the denials from the Obama Administration Officials. They have not denied President Trump was spied on. They have only denied President Obama ordered it.


Then there is this:

I can't say beyond a shadow of a doubt if the spying occurred or not. What I can say is looking at the history of the Obama Administration, and what we do know,any reasonably objective person should at least admit there is a good chance it happened.

The American people deserve to know the truth. If it is true this would be much bigger than Watergate, Monicagate, or the Iran/Contra affair.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

It's Time Again, The Hypocrite of the Week Is...


The winner is Representative Keith Ellison. Maybe not for the reason you think. Keith won the award for the following tweets:


One who doesn't know Keith's past history probably would think those tweets were nice and supportive, not hypocritical. As Paul Harvey would say, "Now for the rest of the story."

Prior to his election to the House of Representatives, Ellison had defended Farrakhan’s controversial comments, which often strayed into black supremacy, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and other forms of bigotry.

In 2009, Ellison endorsed the United Nation’s Goldstone report, which accused Israel of war crimes during the 2008-2009 Gaza conflict. Five years later, Ellison was one of only eight House members to oppose aid for the Iron Dome missile protection system Israel developed in response to Hamas rocket attacks.

In an audio recording publicized by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, Ellison can be heard accusing Israel, through elements of the American Jewish community, of dominating the United States.

“The United States foreign policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people,” Ellison is heard saying in the recording. “A region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 million. Does that make sense? Is that logic? Right? When the Americans who trace their roots back to those 350 million get involved, everything changes. Can I say that again?”

This was recorded in 2010. Keith Ellison has a storied past of Anti-Israel comments. All one has to do is google him. Keith, if you have a proven history of being Anti-Israel and Anti-Jew, then post tweets like those above, you might be a Hypocrite!

It Is Time to Turn The DOJ Loose

The morning after the election I wrote President Trump shouldn't continue the investigation of Hillary, Bill, the Clinton Foundation etc. That he should let the country heal from a brutal, divisive campaign. I was wrong.

I had already planned this article before the news broke this morning of the previous Administration tapping then Candidate Trump's phones and internet. That news makes it more imperative President Trump, and Attorney General Sessions turn loyal DOJ lawyers and investigators loose.

They should investigate Hillary and Bill's ties to Russia. Tom Perez's decision to drop charges against the New Black Panthers. The IRS targeting of Conservative Organizations. The back room deals on Iran. Was it illegal to pay Iran the money in cash? It appears it was. Even Obama's own Justice Department had a problem with it.

They should investigate the ethics charges against Harry Reid that were brought because of he and his son's business dealings. U.S. Sen. Diane Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum, won the first phase construction contract for California’s high-speed rail system. Is there corruption there?

Eric Holder should be investigated for perjury to Congress among other things.

President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarret, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, etc. have declared war on President Trump. As such they have declared war on America.

It is time for President Trump and his Cabinet to dismiss any Obama holdovers and start fighting fire with fire. If it means prison time for any of the above mentioned people. If they are legitimately investigated, tried and convicted so be it. Investigate and let the chips fall where they may.

This is war. It's war on the Trump Administration. America and her citizens. It is time to fight to win,

Friday, March 3, 2017

The Hypocrisy About Russia is Astounding


Remember this: &mid=18AD7EB17C4099EE236E18AD7EB17C4099EE236E&rvsmid=2470B88B138A20A4129A2470B88B138A20A4129A&fsscr=0&FORM=VDQVAP

President Obama told outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have "more flexibility" after the November election to take on the sticky issue of building a missile defense system in Europe.
Obama tells Medvedev: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."
Medvedev replied: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir." The Vladimir, Medvedev refers to, is presumably incoming Russian president Vladimir Putin.

This is real evidence of real collusion with Putin and Russia. Not speculation. Not a conspiracy theory. Video and Audio evidence.

Remember all the outrage from the Democratic Party? Remember them calling for President Obama to recuse himself from any dealings with Russia? Remember them calling for his resignation? Remember the MSM coming out with calls of Conspiracy? No neither do I.

What about Hillary Clinton and Russia? Remember this article from that "Right Wing Conspiracy Newspaper, The New York Times"?

Bill Clinton earned a $500,000.00 speaking fee. The Clinton Foundation earned Millions. America lost 20% of its Uranium Assets to the Russians. Did the Democrats ask for an independent investigation? Did they ask for Hillary to be prosecuted? Did they call for her impeachment? Nope. They nominated her as the Democratic nominee for President of The United States.

 Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill has tweeted in the past about meetings and phone calls she has had with Russia’s ambassador, despite claiming on Thursday that she has never met with or talked to the diplomat.

Senator McCaskill, remember we have this thing called the internet. We have search engines. We don't have to rely on liberal fact checking organizations. We can do our on fact checking. You are a hypocrite.

This appears to be nothing more than a concentrated effort by the Democrats to destroy the Trump Presidency before it even gets started. Stop the games. Get to work!

Hey Politicians We Are Angry. Grow Up Or We WILL Fire You!


Senator Rand Paul, what in the devil were you thinking? Getting a camera crew and a Lady with a cart pulling a printer behind you looking for a healthcare bill?  Is this kind of camera op our tax money pays you for? This was one of the more childish things I've seen a politician do, and we have all seen a lot of childish stunts from our politicians. There is no bill yet Senator Paul, only a draft. Period.

Healthcare Reform is difficult enough without your grandstanding.

All you Democrats who dressed in white for President Trumps Address to the Joint Houses of Congress. Really? Really? You people are supposed to be mature adults. How do you think it looked to our children to see people they are supposed to be taught to respect booing, hissing, groaning, doing the thumbs down sign during a Presidential Address? Do you even care? You acted like spoiled kids who didn't get their way.

How do you think it made our country look to the rest of the world? Do you care?

Our Country has tremendous problems. We need you all to get busy trying to fix these problems or get the heck out of the way and let someone else try.  

A Very Positive Sign From Senator Ted Cruz


One of the very positive things I saw come out of President Trump's speech to the Joint Houses of Congress was an interview with Senator Ted Cruz.

As I listened to all of the huge items on President Trump's list. I thought sounds great. I also thought he had about as much chance of getting it all passed as Miami, Florida has of seeing a 24" snowfall in July.

The day after his speech to the Joint Session of Congress, I watched an interview with Senator Cruz that left me hopeful. He didn't say no to President Trump's agenda. He was even asked about what it could do to the budget. His response, surprisingly was of course we will have debate over that, but we know we can't cut our way out of debt. We know we have to grow our economy to get out of debt.

I supported Ted Cruz in the Republican Primary. In large part because he is a fiscal conservative. That being said, I did find it very refreshing to hear him say we can't just cut our way out of debt, we have to do things to grow the economy. Perhaps there is hope after all.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Unintended Consequences


Unintended Consequences. They are always a problem when one makes sweeping changes. In life. In business, and certainly in laws.
There will certainly be unintended consequences from changing Obamacare, the Tax Code and the Infrastructure Spending Bill. The roll back of certain regulations may also have some unintended consequences.

The fear of taking the heat from unintended consequences have kept the Republican Members of The House and Senate paralyzed far too long. President Trump, being a successful Business Executive for many years understands when he takes on a huge project there will always be unintended consequences some good, some not so good. Being a man of action he makes a decision, goes for it, and then deals with the consequences as they arise.

These unintended consequences don't have to be a huge problem, provided you are willing to address them as soon as they arise. Instead of doing that, Politicians are more likely to use the negatives as a political bat to beat the opposition party with and leave the American citizen to suffer. The Affordable Care Act is a prime example.

The Economy has shown signs of roaring back since President Trump's election. The promises of rolling back regulations, tax reform,  infrastructure spending and repealing and replacing Obamacare is what has caused this. 

Republicans are at risk now. They must get these issues addressed quickly.  If they don't they risk the $3.2 trillion in new wealth created in the stock market since the election. They also risk losing the new investments in this country business leaders have promised.

Then they must be committed to react to any negative consequences quickly and efficiently. The American people can live with and forgive mistakes provided they are admitted and fixed quickly. Its the cover up and lack of activity we get sick of. 

Both Party's if they truly have the American Citizens best interests in mind will come together and make these things happen.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Despicable Democrats


I had to wait a while before writing this article. I was so disgusted and angry at the actions of some of our Democratic "Leaders" last night and this morning.

Ryan Owens, the Navy Seal who was killed in the raid in Yemen was honored by President Trump last night. Whether you like President Trump or not. Whether you think the mission was a success or a failure. If you are an elected official at the speech, the very least you should do is stand in to honor this hero. At least you should stand to honor his wife. While this Lady's heart was breaking;

These despicable Democrats were sitting;


These disgraceful democrats didn’t even stand when President Trump gave his first speech to Congress and swore to protect law enforcement and make their jobs safer and easier.


They groaned loudly when President Trump announced the new VOICE program. They hissed. They gave the thumbs down. How can you be an elected official and boo, groan, and hiss because of a program designed to help victims of crime?

They were like petulant children.

Some of the  things said on Twitter please excuse the language.


One of the worst Tweets was by Dan Grilo, a former volunteer for Hillary Clinton, and President Obama.

President Trump offered an olive branch to the Democrats last night. They repaid him with boos, hisses, thumbs down, then in an unprecedented show of contempt they walked out while he was still in the Auditorium. An action never seen in modern history.
