Our Hypocrite of the Week is an award we will pass out to public figures who earned it in the previous week. Webster's defines hypocrite as the following:
1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
Our very first award goes to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Minority Leader Pelosi won this award due to her criticism of President Trump's use of Executive Orders. It was a close call between her and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.
As Speaker of the House, and as House Minority Leader Mrs. Pelosi vigorously defended President Obama's use of Executive Orders. Some of her statements include:
Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today in response to President Obama’s executive orders to strengthen counterterrorism efforts by outlining a process for closing the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and revising detention and interrogation policies:
“President Obama’s executive orders closing the detention facility at Guantanamo, expanding the coverage of the interrogation practices permitted by the Army Field Manual, and initiating reviews of detention and interrogation policies will ensure that terrorist suspects held by the United States are treated in ways consistent with our laws and our values.
“The President’s deliberate and responsible approach will make the American people safer by improving the quality of intelligence, and begin to restore the standing of the United States in the eyes of the world. By addressing these difficult issues quickly and directly, President Obama has served notice that he understands the concerns of military and intelligence professionals that past practices had hurt, rather than advanced, international efforts to combat terrorism.”
In regards to President Obama's Executive Order on Immigration she compared him to President Lincoln:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi compared President Obama’s planned executive action on immigration reform to President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.
“Remember, President Lincoln said, ‘public sentiment is everything,’” the Democrat said at a press conference, “I wish the Republicans would at least give the public a chance to listen to what the president is trying to do."
“And also does the public know the Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order? People have to understand how presidents have made change in our country, Congress catching up, and in the case of Ronald Reagan, improving upon what Congress has done.”
On lifting the ban on stem cell research:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today after President Obama signed an executive order lifting the Bush Administration’s restrictions on federally financed human embryonic stem cell research:
“By lifting the executive ban on federal funding for stem cell research, President Obama has given hope, and potentially health, to millions. Every family in America is just one diagnosis, one phone call, or one accident away from needing the benefits of embryonic stem cell research.
“Today President Obama has also restored science to its rightful place in our national debates. Scientists must be allowed to pursue the research that they believe has the most promise to cure. And when they do, America remains a world leader in innovation, discovery, and growth.
“If we have a scientific opportunity to treat and cure disease, we have a moral opportunity to support it. That is why Congress will move to pass legislation to make this executive order the law of the land.”
On Federal Contractors:
“Once again, President Obama is taking strong action on behalf of hard working Americans. The federal government has no business contracting to those who would violate federal law and trample workers’ rights. If we are to root out wage theft and labor abuses in America, we cannot overlook those perpetrated by federal contractors.
“With this executive order and the action increasing the minimum wage for federal contract workers, the President has once again reaffirmed the bedrock promise of America: that if you work hard and play by the rules, you will get a fair shake, a decent wage, and the opportunity to build a better future for yourself and your family.
”Now it is time for Congress to follow the President’s lead – stand up for our workers, protect the right to organize, and raise the minimum wage for all Americans. Working men and women are the heart of our nation, and fighting for their rights and wages is at the core of our action plan to jumpstart the middle class. With the President’s partnership, we will continue to work to build an economy that works for everyone, not just the privileged few.”
Now that President Trump is using Executive Orders, Mrs. Pelosi has a totally different view on Presidential Executive Orders:
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today after President Trump issued an executive order reinstating the global gag rule, also known as the Mexico City Policy, that restricts U.S. funding to organizations that provide basic health care and family planning services to the poorest families in the world:
“Reinstating the global gag rule returns us to disgraceful era that dishonored the American values of free speech and inflicted untold suffering on millions of women around the world. Two days after millions of people poured into the streets across America and throughout the world in support of women’s rights, the Trump Administration has silenced even the discussion of women’s reproductive choices.
“Now, foreign non-governmental organizations will be forced to give women incomplete medical information, advice and care in order to participate in U.S.-supported programs abroad. When last in place, the global gag rule had the effect of decreasing access to family planning services around the world. Study after study shows that when women have increased access to family planning services and supplies, such as contraceptives, the incidence of abortion decreases.
“No U.S. funds can be or have been used to perform or promote abortion services overseas since 1973. The fact is that President Trump’s shameful decision to reinstate the global gag rule will cause more unintended pregnancies, more maternal complications and injuries, less information about HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment and more – not fewer – abortions.”
On President Trump's Executive Order on the wall and the one doing away with President Obama's Executive Order on Immigration:
“With today’s sweeping and constitutionally suspect executive actions, the President is turning his back on both our history and our values as a proud nation of immigrants. Wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a border wall Mexico will never pay for, and punishing cities that do not want their local police forces forced to serve as President Trump’s deportation dragnet does nothing to fix our immigration system or keep Americans safe."
“Law-abiding, hard-working immigrant families deserve better than the Trump Administration’s radical xenophobia. Who is made safer when immigrant families cannot go to the police when they are witnesses or victims of crimes? In San Francisco and across the nation, we will fight for the right of any community to choose humane and effective law enforcement strategies that work to protect and serve, not deport and intimidate.
“House Democrats will continue to stand our ground in the face of this Administration and House Republicans’ schemes by fighting for comprehensive immigration reform and fiercely protecting American families.”
My question to Leader Pelosi? Why is it great for the President of your Party to use Executive Orders to get his way, but not ok when a new President uses Executive Orders? I guess it is the same as your view on Pro-Life Christians. You consider yourself a good Catholic. You have told us that numerous times, however the Catholic Church is totally anti abortion. Then you have the nerve to say this about pro life Christians?
“They pray in church on Sunday and then prey on people the rest of the week,” she stated. “And while we’re doing the Lord’s work by ministering to the needs of God’s creation, they are ignoring those needs, which is to dishonor the God who made them.”
“So we don’t wear our religion on our sleeve, and maybe we should,” she said. “We don’t wrap ourselves in the flag, but maybe we should.”
“But we don’t, as I say, exploit that (faith),” Pelosi said. “Because we don’t think you’re supposed to. But maybe we have to make it clearer.”
Leader Pelosi, for these among many other reasons, you have the honor of being our first recipient of our Hypocrite of the Week Award. I imagine with your history it will be the first of many times you win this award.
As Speaker of the House, and as House Minority Leader Mrs. Pelosi vigorously defended President Obama's use of Executive Orders. Some of her statements include:
Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today in response to President Obama’s executive orders to strengthen counterterrorism efforts by outlining a process for closing the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and revising detention and interrogation policies:
“President Obama’s executive orders closing the detention facility at Guantanamo, expanding the coverage of the interrogation practices permitted by the Army Field Manual, and initiating reviews of detention and interrogation policies will ensure that terrorist suspects held by the United States are treated in ways consistent with our laws and our values.
“The President’s deliberate and responsible approach will make the American people safer by improving the quality of intelligence, and begin to restore the standing of the United States in the eyes of the world. By addressing these difficult issues quickly and directly, President Obama has served notice that he understands the concerns of military and intelligence professionals that past practices had hurt, rather than advanced, international efforts to combat terrorism.”
In regards to President Obama's Executive Order on Immigration she compared him to President Lincoln:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi compared President Obama’s planned executive action on immigration reform to President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.
“Remember, President Lincoln said, ‘public sentiment is everything,’” the Democrat said at a press conference, “I wish the Republicans would at least give the public a chance to listen to what the president is trying to do."
“And also does the public know the Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order? People have to understand how presidents have made change in our country, Congress catching up, and in the case of Ronald Reagan, improving upon what Congress has done.”
On lifting the ban on stem cell research:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today after President Obama signed an executive order lifting the Bush Administration’s restrictions on federally financed human embryonic stem cell research:
“By lifting the executive ban on federal funding for stem cell research, President Obama has given hope, and potentially health, to millions. Every family in America is just one diagnosis, one phone call, or one accident away from needing the benefits of embryonic stem cell research.
“Today President Obama has also restored science to its rightful place in our national debates. Scientists must be allowed to pursue the research that they believe has the most promise to cure. And when they do, America remains a world leader in innovation, discovery, and growth.
“If we have a scientific opportunity to treat and cure disease, we have a moral opportunity to support it. That is why Congress will move to pass legislation to make this executive order the law of the land.”
On Federal Contractors:
“Once again, President Obama is taking strong action on behalf of hard working Americans. The federal government has no business contracting to those who would violate federal law and trample workers’ rights. If we are to root out wage theft and labor abuses in America, we cannot overlook those perpetrated by federal contractors.
“With this executive order and the action increasing the minimum wage for federal contract workers, the President has once again reaffirmed the bedrock promise of America: that if you work hard and play by the rules, you will get a fair shake, a decent wage, and the opportunity to build a better future for yourself and your family.
”Now it is time for Congress to follow the President’s lead – stand up for our workers, protect the right to organize, and raise the minimum wage for all Americans. Working men and women are the heart of our nation, and fighting for their rights and wages is at the core of our action plan to jumpstart the middle class. With the President’s partnership, we will continue to work to build an economy that works for everyone, not just the privileged few.”
Now that President Trump is using Executive Orders, Mrs. Pelosi has a totally different view on Presidential Executive Orders:
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today after President Trump issued an executive order reinstating the global gag rule, also known as the Mexico City Policy, that restricts U.S. funding to organizations that provide basic health care and family planning services to the poorest families in the world:
“Reinstating the global gag rule returns us to disgraceful era that dishonored the American values of free speech and inflicted untold suffering on millions of women around the world. Two days after millions of people poured into the streets across America and throughout the world in support of women’s rights, the Trump Administration has silenced even the discussion of women’s reproductive choices.
“Now, foreign non-governmental organizations will be forced to give women incomplete medical information, advice and care in order to participate in U.S.-supported programs abroad. When last in place, the global gag rule had the effect of decreasing access to family planning services around the world. Study after study shows that when women have increased access to family planning services and supplies, such as contraceptives, the incidence of abortion decreases.
“No U.S. funds can be or have been used to perform or promote abortion services overseas since 1973. The fact is that President Trump’s shameful decision to reinstate the global gag rule will cause more unintended pregnancies, more maternal complications and injuries, less information about HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment and more – not fewer – abortions.”
On President Trump's Executive Order on the wall and the one doing away with President Obama's Executive Order on Immigration:
“With today’s sweeping and constitutionally suspect executive actions, the President is turning his back on both our history and our values as a proud nation of immigrants. Wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a border wall Mexico will never pay for, and punishing cities that do not want their local police forces forced to serve as President Trump’s deportation dragnet does nothing to fix our immigration system or keep Americans safe."
“Law-abiding, hard-working immigrant families deserve better than the Trump Administration’s radical xenophobia. Who is made safer when immigrant families cannot go to the police when they are witnesses or victims of crimes? In San Francisco and across the nation, we will fight for the right of any community to choose humane and effective law enforcement strategies that work to protect and serve, not deport and intimidate.
“House Democrats will continue to stand our ground in the face of this Administration and House Republicans’ schemes by fighting for comprehensive immigration reform and fiercely protecting American families.”
My question to Leader Pelosi? Why is it great for the President of your Party to use Executive Orders to get his way, but not ok when a new President uses Executive Orders? I guess it is the same as your view on Pro-Life Christians. You consider yourself a good Catholic. You have told us that numerous times, however the Catholic Church is totally anti abortion. Then you have the nerve to say this about pro life Christians?
“They pray in church on Sunday and then prey on people the rest of the week,” she stated. “And while we’re doing the Lord’s work by ministering to the needs of God’s creation, they are ignoring those needs, which is to dishonor the God who made them.”
“So we don’t wear our religion on our sleeve, and maybe we should,” she said. “We don’t wrap ourselves in the flag, but maybe we should.”
“But we don’t, as I say, exploit that (faith),” Pelosi said. “Because we don’t think you’re supposed to. But maybe we have to make it clearer.”
Leader Pelosi, for these among many other reasons, you have the honor of being our first recipient of our Hypocrite of the Week Award. I imagine with your history it will be the first of many times you win this award.
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