Friday, April 7, 2017

For Every Action...


Ok, we retaliated against Syria, what now? Should we have done it? Was it proportionate? Should we have warned Russia?

Short answers in my opinion, yes we should have done it. Yes it was proportionate. Yes we should have warned Russia. So what now?

Obviously I am no military strategist. I'm no smarter than anyone who reads my articles.  I just try to pay attention to what is happening and use common sense. Most of the experts I've heard last night seem to think we will know what the reactions will be in the next 24 - 72 hours. Obviously they are the experts, not me, but I'm not sure we will know that quickly.

President Trump's swift, determined response to Assad's chemical weapon attack will make all the world players have to think of their response. This Commander in Chief is different from the previous one. We will look at it by country.


Putin has to do something to save face. Hopefully it will be a measured response that won't result in a "tit for tat" response from the U.S. so that things escalate. The "never Trumpers" will use our warning to Russia as "proof" President Trump colluded with Russia in the election. Bovine waste.

Had we not warned Russia and there been Russian loss of life, Putin would have had no choice but to retaliate. The Russian people would have demanded it. Putin and Russia are not our friends. One only has to look at Afghanistan to see that. Russia is helping arm The Taliban. Russia and the Taliban were mortal enemies for years. Many experts say their fight against the Taliban is a large part of what brought about the break up of The Soviet Union. President Vladimir Putin of Russia has described the break-up of the Soviet Union as the "greatest geopolitical disaster of the last century". The only reason Putin would even consider arming The Taliban is because he hates the U.S. even more.

I think Putin will bluff and bluster publically and have some type of measured response. Unfortunately behind the scenes I think he will do more to arm and support our enemies such as Iran, the Taliban, etc.


There is no doubt Iran will retaliate. Again, to save face they have no choice. The question are how soon and how publically. Will they go as far as ordering a terrorist attack inside of America? They do have the people here with the capability to carry out terror attacks. I really don't think they will go that far, yet. That day will come.

I look for them to use the Shia Militias in Iraq to try and carry out a terror attack on our troops in Iraq. Maybe even try to take an American Soldier alive which would be horrible. Possibly a Hezbollah attack on Israel.


I haven't really heard any experts mention Turkey yet, which I think is a mistake. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of Turkey is an evil snake. He has publically applauded the attack on Syria which is concerning. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has an ulterior motive for everything he says and does. He thinks he should be the leader of the next Islamic Caliphate. In order to achieve that he needs to be able to pound the Kurds under the guise of helping to depose Bashar Hafez al-Assad.

Anything Erdogan is happy about is bad for the world.

North Korea

Kim Jong-un, the short fat crazy kid who is the dictator of North Korea is a wild card in this thing. Can and will China stop him from doing something crazy? I don't know. He is certainly insane enough to do something in the wake of this to provoke things.

There have been rumors from defectors from North Korea that some military leaders in North Korea are almost ready to stage a military coup of the short fat crazy kid. I can't see them having the courage to attempt a coup without the Chinese giving behind the scenes permission. They know without the Chinese agreeing to stay out of any coup attempt they would be brutally crushed.


I probably have less of an instinct of what China will do than any of the other countries. I would think President Xi Jinping would be a little unnerved to see America now has a President who would have this attack occur as the two of them were having dinner.

The end result? I think President Trump did the right thing. The right way. Time will tell.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

What Are They Trying to Hide?


Has anyone else noticed a change in the Democratic Pundits since Monday? Every one I have seen on every network seems angry. Well much more angry than usual. Have you noticed the Mainstream Media's reaction to the news about Susan Rice?

Something big is behind the unmasking and leaking. Something that will make Watergate look minuscule. I don't know what, but I know Democratic politicians, Democratic pundits, and the MSM wouldn't be working so hard to cover it up if not.

From Don Lemon at CNN:

"There is no evidence whatsoever that the Trump team was spied on illegally," Lemon said on "CNN Tonight." "There is no evidence that backs up the president’s original claim."

"And on this program tonight, we will not insult your intelligence by pretending otherwise, nor will we aid and abet the people who are trying to misinform you, the American people, by creating a diversion," he added.

Mr. Lemon, your job is to report the news. Susan Rice unmasking of American citizens, then lying about it on PBS is news. It isn't fake news, it isn't a diversion, it is real news.

It was the day after Bloomberg News broke the story about Susan Rice before ABC and NBC reported on it. CBS did that night but to defend Mrs. Rice.

Some of what has been in the MSM:


Transcript for Susan Rice faces accusations of 'unmasking' Trump officials

Now we'll dig into that story about Obama national security adviser Susan rice and the questions over how and why she unmasked trump administration officials. That term unmasking is new for most of us. When the U.S. Spies on a foreign target an American may get caught up in the surveillance. Those names are not revealed. John Smith becomes U.S. Person. But national security officials can ask for the names to be unmasked if they feel it's necessary to understand the intellige intelligence. Unmasking is legal. Leaking ab unmasked name to the press is not legal. Cecilia Vega is covering the story from the white house. Good morning, Cecilia. Reporter: Good morning and there is a strong denial from Susan rice. She said she did not leak any of those names and did nothing illegal but Democrats and Republicans see this very differently. The left sees Susan rice as a scapegoat. The right sees her as the smoking gun that proves the president's wiretapping claims. This morning, allies of president trump joining in a chorus of anger. Three Republican members of congress sending this letter to senate and house intelligence committees demanding president Obama's former national security adviser be called to testify saying that Susan rice's behavior appears negligent at best and criminal at worst. To them she could be the smoking gun that proves president Obama wiretapped president trump but from rice a firm denial. I leaked nothing to nobody. And never have and never would. Reporter: She does admit she asked to un-marv the identities of Americans picked up by surveillance. But she says it was all part of her job. This is not anything political has been alleged. That's absolutely Faust. We can't be passive consumers of this information and not -- and do our jobs effectively to protect the American people. Reporter: Rice would not "The name of god is mercy"s but sources tell ABC news that as the intelligence community investigated Russia's election meddling in some cases trump campaign and transition officials were caught up in surveillance. Rice requesting their identities. Republican lawmakers outraged. So if this is what the people are saying it is, this is totally unusual and I think totally wrong and inappropriate. Reporter: And senator Rand Paul tweeting, smoking gun found. But rice says there was nothing illegal and there was no wiretapping. The intelligence community, the director of the FBI has made that very clear. There was no such collection, surveillance on trump tower or trump individuals. Reporter: So adamant denial. Another Republican calls rice the typhoid Mary of the Obama administration. Surprisingly the white house has been pretty restrained on this one, George. Sean spicer calling these reports about rice and unmasking troubling. Okay, Cecilia, thanks very much. Let's bring in John avlon of "The daily beast" and author of "Washington's farewell." Thanks for coming in. Let's try to unpack this whole unmasking controversy if it is, indeed, a controversy. As Cecilia said in the piece unmasking legal, proper, routine for national security officials. If that information were leaked it would be a problem. That's right but there's no evidence at this point and goes to the intent of an unmasking. What'shaing is the politicization of national security in order to deflect from the focus of much of the point on capitol hill which the FBI investigation about possible Russian contact with the trump transition and campaign. But this is being pumped up by partisan media by something equivalent to validate the president's claims. It has nothing to do with the president's claims about wiretap. Nothing to do with wiretapping at all but that distinction is not -- is without a difference to most hard-core partisans who are trying to defend the president or deflect away from the main investigation


It doesn't have the ring of "Benghazi," or "Whitewater," but Republicans are seizing upon what they see as a new scandal: "Improper unmasking."

The issue: Did President Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, do something wrong when she requested that the identities of some Trump aides be "unmasked," or revealed to a small group of cleared government officials, after those names turned up in surveillance reports of foreigners in the waning days of the last administration?

"Now we know that someone in the Obama administration was eavesdropping and specifically searching a databank looking for the Trump (people)," Sen. Rand Paul proclaimed Tuesday on MSNBC's Morning Joe.

Senior Obama administration officials don't dispute that Rice requested the "unmasking" of certain Americans whose names appeared in intelligence reports resulting from eavesdropping on foreigners — meaning the foreigners were discussing the Americans or talking to them. Usually, those names are blacked out. But the blackout can be lifted if doing so is necessary to help understand the intelligence.

Requesting that is a routine thing for national security advisers to do, according to former senior officials, including Keith Alexander, who directed the National Security Agency.

Related: What Does It Mean That Trump May Have Been Incidentally Surveilled?

Rice didn't and couldn't "order" the unmasking of any American, current and former officials say. The agencies that hold the raw surveillance transcripts — usually the NSA or the FBI — make that decision. It's a process subject to rules and reviewed by lawyers, and it has to be justified by an intelligence purpose

Rice's role was first discussed by Mike Cernovich, who is also known for promoting a false story that a Washington, D.C. pizza parlor was a nest of pedophiles connected to Hillary Clinton. Unmasking was then the subject of a story by Eli Lake, a conservative columnist for Bloomberg View.

Related: Nunes Backs Down From Assertion Trump Was Monitored

It's hard to imagine FBI Director James Comey or NSA Director Mike Rogers participating with Obama officials in "political" surveillance of the Trump transition, which is the allegation some Republicans are making. Rogers, after all, has acknowledged that he met with Trump about a job in his administration. Comey has been criticized for how he handled the Hillary Clinton email investigation, and for actions that polls show helped Trump.

Alexander told NBC News he routinely turned down requests for unmasking by senior officials in the Bush and Obama administrations.

At the end of the Obama administration, the FBI and the NSA were sifting through intelligence reports on Russian hacking. One goal of their investigation, FBI Director James Comey has made clear, was to learn whether any Trump associates colluded with the Russian effort to interfere in the election on Trump's behalf.

If Russians under surveillance were talking about or to Trump associates, the names of those people would have been relevant.

Related: Trump's Communications Possibly Picked Up By 'Incidental' Surveillance, Intel Chair Says

Likewise, if two Chinese officials were talking about business relationships with an incoming government official, that person's identity also might be relevant.

These are hypotheticals. That's all we have at the moment, because all the surveillance reports are classified and nobody is talking in detail about them.

That brings up another point: "unmasked" does not equal made public. The surveillance reports containing the names of Trump and his aides were still highly classified and viewable by a limited number of cleared individuals.


We learned more today about the President's allegation that he and his aides were caught up in Obama-era surveillance,” Anchor Scott Pelley said, teeing up reporter Margaret Brennan on CBS’s “Evening News.” Strangely, Pelley stayed away from flinging the fiery insults which drew him much praise from the left. Instead of calling Trump’s claims ‘baseless’ he kept it neutral, only referring to them as “allegations.” He also described what the concern was as “Obama-era surveillance,” something he had not done in the past.

Brennan played defense for Rice, stating, “Well, Scott, as national security adviser to the president, Susan Rice could and did request the names of individuals who were picked up during legal surveillance of foreign nationals.” She then cited unnamed sources who told her there was nothing wrong with what Rice did:

Now, according to a former national security official, Trump associates were not the sole focus of Rice's request, but they may have been revealed when she asked to understand why they were appearing in intelligence reports. However, Rice did not spread the information according to this former official, who insisted that there was nothing improper or political involved.

Monday, April 3, 2017

President Trump Outsmarts Media and Democrats!


Has President Trump been vindicated for his claims of "wiretapping?' I think so. I also think even more proof will come out very soon. What I want to hear, if or when that happens is an apology from every person in the media who excoriated President Trump over his accusations.

The very liberal Bloomberg News released the following story today:

Even Eli Lake in his story said, " The ranking Democrat on the committee Nunes chairs, Representative Adam Schiff, viewed these reports on Friday. In comments to the press over the weekend he declined to discuss the contents of these reports, but also said it was highly unusual for the reports to be shown only to Nunes and not himself and other members of the committee.
Indeed, much about this is highly unusual: if not how the surveillance was collected, then certainly how and why it was disseminated."

You think Eli?

We now know Susan Rice was one of Obama's Senior people involved. There will be others.

President Trump could have released this information much sooner. Instead he sat on it while the MSM and the Democrats railed on. Now he has allowed them to destroy what little credibility they had left. Now they have to wonder what else does he know, and wait for the other shoe to drop. It was a stroke of genius.

Adam Schiff's attitude sure has changed.

No wonder President Obama has kept quiet on this. This will end up going all the way to the top.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

A Victim of the War on Opioids


I am a victim of the war on opioid addiction. Among other health issues, I live with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. On the McGill Pain Index it is rated as the number one most painful of all chronic pain diseases. For 17 of the past 20 years I have been going to pain management clinics.

During those 17 years I have had a minimum of 6 random drug screens a year. Most years more than 6, never less than 6. I have never failed a drug test. Never. Every since Obamacare started I have dealt with a steady decrease in the amount and or type of pain medication I am allowed. All while the cost has gone up.

When I was first diagnosed I was fussed at by my Dr. for not using all the opioids I was prescribed and told the stress of living with such pain would eventually wear my heart out. I was also told I would get  to the point it wouldn't be worth getting out of bed to do things. It just wouldn't be worth the suffering I would go through the next few days after having a fairly active day. One of my Drs. even told me I was the strongest man he had ever met, but I would get to that point.

Since 2010, my pain medicine has been reduced from 3- 80 mg OxyContin's, 4- 2mg Diluaded's, and 4 -10 mg Valiums a day to now 3 Percocet's a day and 3 - Baclofins The pain hasn't changed. The disease hasn't changed. My cost has changed. It has gone up! My quality of life has changed. It has gone down. Way down. I had to cancel my birthday party with just family this year because I absolutely couldn't get out of bed to be with my small family.

My heart is showing the effects of living with the stress. I have more days I have to just lay around than I ever have. I am not saying this to get sympathy from anyone, just to show there are unintended consequences from this war on opioid addiction.

This "war" will drive more people who have true needs to seek alternative sources for pain control which will turn them into criminals. It will also expose them to drugs with no quality control which will lead to more overdoses. Their only other option will be to do as I do and spend more and more time suffering alone in their bedrooms. Putting those who love them through sheer hell on earth as they watch them just waste away.

I used to work narcotics as a Police Officer. I have seen what narcotic abuse causes. The lives ruined. I have seen the damage done from Narcotics abuse in people I truly care for. A friend of mine who was living in severe pain from a back injury died with a heroin needle in his arm 34 years ago. He wasn't chasing a high, he was chasing pain relief. I understand the need to do something. Something has to be done. There has to be a way to do something about addiction without making those of us who have a true, legitimate medical need pay the price, physically, medically, financially, and emotionally.

I am not smart enough to know what the answer is, however I know the answer is not to cut my life short because of the stress put on my heart from living with such intense pain. The answer is not to sentence me to a life of misery waiting around for my heart to wear out because of the pain and lack of activity.

When President Obama got Obamacare passed, and people begin to see a lot of Americans were being hurt by Obamacare I watched as he said in an interview, "anytime we have sweeping changes like this there will be winners and losers. Some will be hurt by Obamacare, they just have to understand its for the greater good." I and my family were hurt by Obamacare. Bad. Now I hear the same thing about the war on Opioid Addiction.

My challenge to President Trump and Governor Christie, find an answer that helps addicts, their families and friends that doesn't hurt those of us who have legitimate needs.

The Hypocrisy of Susan Rice


What we don't need is someone who has been as complicit in lying to the American people as Susan Rice has lecturing anyone on the need to tell the truth. Susan's hypocrisy was on full display in her recent op-ed in The Washington Post. Susan, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Excerpts from her op-ed are in red.

Last week, the British intelligence agency GCHQ took the rare step of debunking as “utterly ridiculous” the Trump administration’s insinuation that Britain spied on Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign. On Monday, FBI Director James B. Comey testified plainly that “I have no information that supports” President Trump’s accusations that his predecessor ordered the “wires tapped” at Trump Tower. These false statements from the White House are part of a disturbing pattern of behavior that poses real and potentially profound dangers to U.S. national security.
The foundation of the United States’ unrivaled global leadership rests only in part on our military might, the strength of our economy and the power of our ideals. It is also grounded in the perception that the United States is steady, rational and fact-based. To lead effectively, the United States must maintain respect and trust. So, when a White House deliberately dissembles and serially contorts the facts, its actions pose a serious risk to America’s global leadership, among friends and adversaries alike.

Really Susan? Did you really go there? You who lied to not just American citizens about Benghazi being about a YouTube Video, but also lied to our allies? You who worked for the first Administration who leaked that our strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel, does in fact have nuclear weapons. You who worked for the Administration who was caught spying on the leaders of our allies?

You who worked for the Administration who admitted in an interview with The New York Times they manipulated the press and lied to our allies especially Israel, to get their "deal" with Iran? You who worked for the Administration that issued the "red line warning" to Syria then did nothing when they crossed it. You don't think that damaged our standing in the world?

Who can forget Time Magazine's Lie of the Year? Don't you remember your boss, President Obama winning it for, "If you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr., if you like your Insurance you can keep your Insurance." Who can forget Jonathan Gruber admitting the intentional lies and misinformation used to pass Obamacare?

You worked for an Administration who has been caught lying to the American people and our allies more than any Administration in my memory. You participated in many of those lies. How do you think our Allies in Europe felt when they heard your boss caught on a "hot mike" saying "tell Valdimer  I will have more flexibility after my election." Do you really think that didn't damage our credibility with our allies?

Susan for the reasons listed above, among others, you have earned our Hypocrite of the Week award. 

If you want to read the entire op-ed you can read it here: